月薪20,829, 欧盟驻华代表团助理
晚宴陪同翻译, 需求多人
(在家办公) 夜班翻译, 11-13k
联合国招募: 线上中文志愿者
北京师范大学招聘: 外事秘书
15-30k, 国际课程兼职
英语陪同翻译, 唱片娱乐行业
1300/天, 驻场翻译, 10天左右
Let loose 放松
Relax. Let loose ...
每日一词|制造业数字化转型 digital transformation of manufacturing sector
日前召开的国务院常务会议审议通过《制造业数字化转型行动方案》。   ...
每日一词|医养结合床位 beds in integrated medical, elderly care institutions
截至2023年底,全国具备医疗卫生机构资质并进行养老机构备案的医养结合机构7800多家,医养结合床位总数达200万张。  ...
chickens come home to roost
If chickens are coming home to roost, someone is suffering t ...
每日一词|养老服务预收费监管 regulation of prepayment for elderly care services
民政部等七部门近日联合发布关于加强养老机构预收费监管的指导意见。   ...
每日一词|行星际闪烁监测望远镜 interplanetary scintillation observation telescope
我国首个行星际闪烁监测望远镜日前顺利通过工艺测试。   ...
A merry heart goes all the way.
The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.
Take your time, good or bad.
Whatever you do, do not let go!
Patience is a bitter plant that produces sweet fruit.
Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.
When the moon was on the willow’s top,We’d met after dusk.
Love is what makes life worth living.
Each day brings a new beginning.
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes.
You can’t judge a place before you’ve ever seen it.