招聘城市:北京, 广州, 深圳原, 威海, 武汉, 天津, 青岛, 济南,大连, 保定, 西安, 长春, 金华, 海口

Global Exams Services Team of the British Council is recruiting freelance, hourly paid Supervisor to administer weekday exams. Suitable candidates should have the following experience, qualifications and competencies:

Chinese 2nd Generation ID Card holder

Bachelor Degree or above

Speak and read English fluently – English language level of CEFR B2 or equivalent (eg Cambridge English FCE, IELTS 6.5, CET-6 600)

2-3 years’ experience of working with the British Council examinations in China

Strong sense of security and responsibility

Excellent attention to detail

Excellent customer care

Excellent communication, planning and organisational skills

Strong people management skill to lead a group of people

Strong risk management skill

Familiar with computer software and operations 

Weekday Supervisor:

Desired working date: weekday in March, June, September and December each year, usually arranged for up to 5 working days during the 1st full completion week of the month.

Hourly rate and Allowance: The invigilation fee ranges from RMB124 to RMB145 per hour before IIT (Individual Income Tax) depending on the role on test day plus flat-rate transportation fee for training and invigilation. 

Test day work invitation: Once you are selected into our Supervisor pool, you may receive our invitation before each session 

群内留言「 工作日 @小助理 」即可申请



1. 外语好, 寻找工作/实习/兼职的朋友

2. 关注自我提升&职业发展的朋友

3. 需要实践经验, 充实简历的同学


1. 每日优质工作机会推送

2. 结识各行业外语达人, 拓展人脉

3. 职业发展交流, 大厂/500强内推机会

加入外语职场 𝐕𝐈𝐏

更多机会, 更先掌握
