联合国妇女署招募: 线上中文志愿者6人
1) communication skills,
2) representation skills,
3) laws and policies related to women workers’ rights, and
4) industry-specific knowledge, including textile, automobile, and ICT industries.
1) family-friendly policies,
2) education and training for women, and
3) promoting women’s leadership.
Specifically, the selected Online Volunteers will be assigned to:
– Review the respective assigned module/guideline
– Edit and revise accordingly and properly
– Incorporate feedback received
The Online Volunteer will submit the proofread modules to the Programme Analyst of UN Women China by email.
群内留言「 UNV @小助理 」即可申请
1. 外语好, 寻找工作/实习/兼职的朋友
2. 关注自我提升&职业发展的朋友
3. 需要实践经验, 充实简历的同学
1. 每日优质工作机会推送
2. 结识各行业外语达人, 拓展人脉
3. 职业发展交流, 大厂/500强内推机会
加入外语职场 𝐕𝐈𝐏
更多机会, 更先掌握