Editing and Proofreading of Data Analysis Reports

Under UN Women China’s current project that aims to promote women migrant workers’ access to decent work, a quick analysis report has been developed on women worker’s needs and challenges, to be used to strengthen further intervention.

Moreover, a research report has been developed on women’s participation and leadership in the digital economy, with policy recommendations on further promote inclusive economic development.

UN Women China is looking for support to substantially edit and proofread the two reports in English, so they can serve a wider audience internationally.

Task description
Substantially edit and proofread an analysis report on women workers’ employment situation, and a research report on women’s participation and leadership in the digital economy in English.

The volunteer will submit the proofread modules to Programme Analyst of UN Women China by email.



群内留言「 女性 @小助理 」即可申请



1. 外语好, 寻找工作/实习/兼职的朋友

2. 关注自我提升&职业发展的朋友

3. 需要实践经验, 充实简历的同学


1. 每日优质工作机会推送

2. 结识各行业外语达人, 拓展人脉

3. 职业发展交流, 大厂/500强内推机会

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