工作内容:1. 项目支持:协助项目主管管理项目进度和流程,确保有效沟通和项目的高效执行2. 内容支持:相关材料的准备、校对、翻译;信息的收集和整理3. 其它行政支持工作,例如发票的日常管理;协助安排会议和差旅Job description:1. Project Support: Assist the project manager in managing the project schedule and process to ensure effective communication and execution2. Content support: preparation, proofreading and translation of relevant materials; collection and collation of information3. Other administrative tasks, such as daily management of invoices; assistance in arranging meetings and travel, etc.
岗位要求:1. 专业背景不限,有传播、营销、视觉等学习和工作背景的优先考虑2. 英语流利,并能够熟练运用办公软件3. 善于学习,注重细节,乐于团队合作4. 了解和热爱奢侈品及生活方式行业为加分项Job Requirements:1. No limits on professional background, preferably with background in communication, marketing, visual, etc.2. Fluent in English, office software skills3. Willing to learn, detail-oriented and team spirit4. Understanding and passion of the luxury and lifestyle industry is a plus
我们是一家专注于为生活方式和奢侈品客户提供品牌传播、内部培训的小型创意咨询公司,我们提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利和轻松、充满活力的工作环境,同时非常重视创造力和创新。如果你对项目管理、内容创作和奢侈品及生活方式行业充满热情,欢迎加入我们的团队。We are a boutique creative consulting firm focused on brand communication, internal training for lifestyle and luxury clients. We offer a competitive compensation package and a relaxed, dynamic work environment with a strong emphasis on creativity and innovation. If you are passionate about project management, content creation and the luxury and lifestyle industry, welcome to join our team.工作地点:黄浦区局门路457号311室Office address:Room 311, No 457 Jumen Road, Huangpu district工时及薪资:一周三到五天, 150/天Working hours and salary:3-5days/week, 150/day
投递方式: 将英文简历邮件至leo.lai@bridge-harvest.com请以“姓名+学校+年级+一周到岗天数+能实习时间+到岗时间” 命名简历和邮件主题中或英文简历一份