每日一词|制度型开放 institutional opening up
每日一词|青岛国际啤酒节 The Qingdao International Beer Festival
每日一词|亚太6E卫星 the APSTAR-6E satellite
每日一词|高水平社会主义市场经济体制 high-standard socialist market economy system
每日一词|文化遗产保护数字化 Cultural Heritage Conservation by Digitization
每日一词|专利开放许可制度 patent open license system
每日一词|北京火箭大街 Beijing Rocket Street
每日一词|国际基础科学大会 The International Congress of Basic Science
每日一词|《中国的海洋生态环境保护》白皮书 a white paper titled “Marine Eco-Environmental Protection in China”
每日一词|深海重载作业采矿车“开拓二号” deep-sea heavy-duty mining vehicle “Pioneer II”