Put your money where your mouth is 说到做到
A phrase about taking action ...
Made of money 腰缠万贯,极为富有
An ‘expensive’ phrase ...
Break one’s silence 打破沉默
A ‘spoken’ phrase ...
Go to the ends of the earth 走遍天涯海角
A phrase that requires lots of effort ...
Make or break 成败在此一举
A crucial phrase ...
Break one’s routine 打破常规
A ‘changing’ phrase ...
Muddy the waters 把水搅浑
A phrase about confusion ...
Break the news to someone 把坏消息告诉某人
An informative phrase ...
Break down barriers 扫除障碍,消除隔阂
An ‘unstoppable’ phrase ...
Be dead in the water 无望成功
A phrase about failure ...