Bull and bear market 牛市和熊市
Learn what you say when share prices rise and when they fall ...
Across the pond 大西洋彼岸
Learn an expression which makes an ocean sound very small in ...
Hot desk 无固定办公桌的现代办公室
Hot-desking is a modern way of working in offices. Learn how ...
People person 人缘好的人
Are you good at working with people? This expression might d ...
Out of juice 没电了
Oh no – your phone’s out of battery. We have jus ...
A steal 物美价廉就像是白送的
Have you paid very little money for something normally expen ...
Sound out 探口风,打听
When do you think it’s important to sound someone out? ...
Fly-by-night 不可靠,不讲信用
What do you call a business that disappears overnight and le ...
Bring something to the party 提供好处,做贡献
A phrase about offering something positive ...
Light up like a Christmas tree 喜笑颜开
An expression to describe your happy face ...