To make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做
Don’t overreact – use this phrase! ...
The last/final straw 忍无可忍,使人最终崩溃的一击
Something tiny can cause a lot of problems ...
Pull something out of the hat 突施妙计
What surprising things come out of a hat? ...
In the blink of an eye 一眨眼之间
An expression to show speed ...
I’LL TAKE THAT: I will accept that because it’s better than the alternatives. MLive (Michigan): <>
I’LL TAKE THAT: I will accept that because it’s ...
Off the hook 脱身
Here’s a phrase for when you free someone from an obli ...
Barefaced 厚颜无耻的
A phrase about being bold and shameless ...
Hangry 饥饿成怒
A phrase for people who get angry when they don’t eat ...
One good turn deserves another 以德报德,礼尚往来
Has someone helped you with something? If so, here’s a ...
To fall at the first hurdle 跌倒在第一关
Got an idea that’s never going to work? Here is a phra ...