Pain in the neck 令人讨厌的事情或人
Learn the phrase Helen needs to describe the headache her mo ...
Burn a hole in your pocket 有钱不花难受
Learn a vivid expression to describe someone who cannot save ...
Until I’m blue in the face 任凭你磨破嘴皮
Can you face this phrase? ...
Clean up your act 改邪归正
Someone behaving badly? Here’s a phrase that tells the ...
You’re pulling my leg! 你在愚弄我!
Looking to fool someone? Here is a phrase that involves pull ...
To lie through your teeth 睁眼说瞎话
Telling lies? Here’s an honest phrase to use ...
To make a monkey out of me 捉弄我
Looking stupid? This is a phrase for you! ...
You’ve sold it to me 我完全信你
Learn a different way to express ‘you’ve convinc ...
Full of the joys of spring 非常高兴,充满喜悦
A seasonal idiom that puts you in a good mood ...
A leopard can’t change its spots 江山易改,本性难移
Learn a phrase about keeping your bad habits ...