每日一词|人形机器人 humanoid robot
每日一词|西藏自治区冰川保护条例 regulation on glacier protection in the Xizang Autonomous Region
每日一词|服务类社会救助 service-oriented social assistance
每日一词|《二十大以来重要文献选编》 a compilation of key articles and documents since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
每日一词|绿色金融债券 green financial bonds
每日一词|数智中医药 digital and smart TCM
每日一词|中国—东盟教育交流周 China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week
每日一词|碳汇量 carbon-sink capacity
每日一词|军人抚恤优待条例 regulations on subsidies and benefits for military service members
每日一词|低空经济 low-altitude economy