每日一词|联合国教科文组织—赤道几内亚国际生命科学研究奖 UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences
每日一词|国防教育法修订草案 draft revision to the Law on National Defense Education
每日一词|西太平洋海军论坛 Western Pacific Naval Symposium
每日一词|高精度月球地质图集 high-definition lunar geologic atlas
每日一词|大学生阅读分享活动 reading and sharing event among college students
Lay it on thick 过分吹捧或责备
每日一词|中国进出口商品交易会 China Import and Export Fair
每日一词|快速射电暴 fast radio bursts
每日一词|再生资源回收利用网络体系 national network for the efficient recycling of renewable resources
每日一词|生态保护补偿条例 regulations governing ecological protection compensation