每日一词|人工智能赋能教育行动 AI campaign to empower education
每日一词|中国网络视听发展研究报告 annual report on China’s internet audiovisual service development
每日一词|国家文化产业示范基地 cultural industry demonstration bases at national level
每日一词|中国青少年足球改革发展实施意见 Implementation Guidelines on the Reform and Development of Chinese Youth Football
每日一词|氢能源市域列车 hydrogen-powered urban train
Brick by brick 一砖一瓦,一步一步
每日一词|国家卫生应急队伍管理办法 management measures for national medical emergency response teams
每日一词|高校考试招生改革 reform of college entrance exam and admission policies
每日一词|专利产业化 industrialization of patents
每日一词|农业种质资源 agricultural germplasm resources