用 no fear 说 “绝对不行”
Step on it 踩一脚油门
Ping 封邮件 ping 条短信
Take the biscuit “拿走饼干” 可形容行为 “极其可恶”
Let the dust settle 让尘埃落定
Nothing to shout about 没什么可喜可贺的
Let sleeping dogs lie 别惊动睡着的狗
GET EYEBALLS: gain attention in the media. A story about a cat finding its way home over a long distance will always get eyeballs on a news website.
Bleed someone dry “放干某人的血”其实是“榨干钱财”的意思
Living in cloud cuckoo land 生活在虚无缥缈的世界里