Cheap and cheerful 物美价廉
Cakeism “蛋糕主义”
Join the club 彼此彼此,一样倒霉
Go with the flow 随波逐流,随大溜
Famous last words 说得好听,不见得
Hard pass 坚决拒绝
Jump through hoops 为达成目标费尽周折
It happens to the best of us 这种事谁都会遇到
🖤Idiom 🖤”To bide one`s time” – to patiently wait for an opportunity 🖤”The man is biding his time before he becomes company president.” 🖤”I am biding my time as I wait to present my idea to my boss.” 🖤”The woman will bide her time before she decides to change jobs.”
Go off on one 大发雷霆