To fancy someone 喜欢上了某人
💛Phrasal Verb 💛”To work through something” – to successfully deal with a problem or a difficult situation 💛”The printer and the laptop will not connect. We need to work through this problem until we fix it.” 💛”The employee is trying to work through some problems at work.”
💙Phrasal Verb 💙”To work around s/t” – to find a way to do s/t that avoids a problem without actually solving the problem 💙”The printer is not working so we will need to work around that problem until it is fixed.” 💙”Our engineer is away so we will need to work around that.”
💙Idiom Of The Day 💙”By hook or by crook” – in any way possible 💙”The woman plans to go to graduate school next year by hook or by crook.” 💙”By hook or by crook, my friend plans to get a new job.” 💙”We will go to our hometown for the holiday by hook or by crook.”
💙Idiom 💙”Get the once-over” – to receive a quick visual examination 💙”I got the once-over when I arrived for the job interview.” 💙”I got the once-over from the security guard as I entered the building.” 💙”The student got the once-over when he arrived late for class.”
💙Idiom Of The Day 💙”To tilt at windmills” – to try to do something that is impossible or not realistic 💙”My friend is tilting at windmills by fighting his company for no reason.” 💙”The man is tilting at windmills with his ideas to become an actor.”
💙Idiom 💙”To put something to rest” – to settle a problem, to finish dealing with a problem and forget about it 💙”I want to put the idea to rest that I will soon leave my company.” 💙”The two brothers put their problems to rest and now have a good relationship.”
💙Idiom 💙”To not set foot somewhere” – to not go somewhere 💙”I plan to never set foot in the haunted house.” 💙”The restaurant was terrible and the woman will never set foot in it again.” 💙”The old factory is dangerous and the children should never set foot in it.”
💚Idiom 💚”In one’s element” – in a situation that is natural for someone 💚”The girl loves mathematics and is in her element in her mathematics class.” 💚”The grandmother is in her element when she is cooking.” 💚”The man is in his element whenever he can repair something.”
💙Idiom 💙”To give someone a leg up” – to give s/o an advantage, to help s/o succeed 💙”The man’s family gave him a leg up with his new business when they gave him some money.” 💙”The computer course helped to give the students a leg up when they were looking for a job.”