Stir the pot 挑拨是非
How do you feel when people are stirring the pot? ...
Wishy-washy 优柔寡断,模棱两可
Here’s an expression to use when things are just too v ...
Shook 惊慌失措,激动不已
You’ll be shook after this lesson ...
upset the applecart
If you upset the applecart, you do something that causes tro ...
Let loose 放松
Relax. Let loose ...
chickens come home to roost
If chickens are coming home to roost, someone is suffering t ...
call it a day
If you call it a day, you stop doing something that’s ...
mend your ways
If you mend your ways, you improve your behaviour and stop d ...
Zing 活力,热情
How can you give your English learning a bit of zing? ...
wide of the mark
If something is wide of the mark, it isn’t true or acc ...